Overview of "985"Research Base  | 中文版

Environmental Geographic Process and Ecological Simulation


This program currently includes two first-level authorized disciplines (Environmental Science & Engineering and Geography), two key national disciplines (Environmental Science and Geography), one key Beijing discipline (Environmental Engineering), seven doctoral programs, twelve master programs, one engineering master program, two state key laboratories (Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control, Remote Sensing), one key Ministry of Education laboratory (Water and Sediment science), one Ministry of Education engineering research center (Ground Water Pollution Control and Remediation), one key Beijing laboratory (Environmental Remote sensing and Digital City), and one national scientific research program on basic science and teaching staff training base (Geography).
The platform has five academicians (including the joint-hired), two Changjiang scholars, four Distinguished Young Scholars honored by National Science Foundation, two finalists of the National Key Talents Project, two committee members of the 6th subject evaluation group of the State Department Degree Council, twelve winners of the Ministry of Education’s New Century Talents program, one winner of the national level Renowned Teachers Award, and one National Innovation Research Group.


The primary goal is to optimize the current discipline system and establish a supporting platform with a more reasonable and open structure. The first-level discipline of Environmental Science & Engineering will be top ranking in China, and Environmental Science will become a global well-known discipline and eventually world leading. Environmental Engineering, Environmental Ecology, Hydrology and Water Resources will become disciplines holding important international academic positions and have significant impact. We will maintain the advantage that Geography currently holds as a key national first-level discipline, as well for Physical Geography, Cartography, and Geographic Information Systems. This platform will improve the academic position of Human Geography, strengthen the development of Geographic Education, and actively promote the development of three new growth fields, namely Land Science, Geoscience Computation and Analysis, and Boundary and Seaguard Geography, with the aim of becoming world leaders.
The construction of the platform will cultivate national innovation research groups and exceptional teaching and research talents, deepen educational quality and cultivate innovative talents. In 10 years’ time, this environmental geographic process and ecological simulation platform will surely be recognized as an internationally famous scientific research and teaching platform.


Focusing on the objectives, considering national significant requirements and aiming at the forefront of the discipline, Environmental Science &Engineering and Geography will serve a means to cross disciplines and develop them further. In addition, such environmental geographic processes and ecological simulation will help to develop breakthrough content. As to the cultivation of talents, we emphasize process development, personal development, and enrich development content to optimize and create a more flexible undergraduate-master-doctor-post doctor development system. It will form a sustainable long-term team building mechanism, which will undergo further reforms and be optimized disciplines and specialty, as well as age and graduation structures. The innovation and the international vision of the team will significantly improve. It is intended that regular international conferences will be held and that we will launch extensive joint research projects on internationally relevant topics. It is expected that our scientists and their research teams will become leaders of key international academic organizations and institutions, and create long-term partnerships with internationally renowned universities and research academies. Through the construction of this platform, significant strategic consultant reports will be provided at a national level, and technical support and training for local government and enterprises will be offered to help agencies solve the problems surrounding hydro-ecology, water environment and water resources in key basins.


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